Intellectual Property

It is well known that protection and management of immaterial assets allows a business to develop.

Due to exclusive rights that characterize intellectual property, holders can: (i) transform ideas into high value assts; (ii) perceive income; (iii) increase their market stake; (iv) improve their business as a hole, among other benefits.

Moreover, intellectual property stands out because of the similar legal basis applied around the world due to international treatises administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO and the World Trade Organization – WTO.

Therefore, aiming to protect our client’s intellectual property rights in Brazil and abroad, we offer the following solutions:


  • Conducting trademark clearance in order to mitigate risks of refusal;
  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting trademark applications before the Brazil Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO;
  • Internacional trademark prosecution;
  • Monitoring trademark application filed by third parties and filling of oppositions, appeals and cancelations proceedings;
  • Strategic management of trademark portfolios;
  • Litigating trademark registration validity, infringement and contractual agreements.


  • Conducting prior art searches;
  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications before the Brazil Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO;
  • International patent prosecution;
  • Providing legal opinion on the validity of third-party patents, freedom to operate – FTO and counterfeiting;
  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications before the Brazil Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO;
  • Strategic management of patent portfolios;
  • Litigating patent validity, infringement and contractual agreements.


  • Advising on the copyrightability and registration of works;
  • Strategic management of copyright portfolios;
  • Enforcing ownership rights against infringers, including designing and implementing anti-piracy programs
  • Defending claims against copyright infringement;

Domain Names

  • Registration of domain names;
  • Litigating infringement of IP rights and ownership of domain names (cybersquatting and typosquatting);

Industrial Designs

  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting industrial designs applications before the Brazil Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO in order to protect ornamental characteristics of the design;
  • Litigating industrial design infringements and defending its validity.

Trade Secret and Unfair Competition

  • Development of preventive and reprehensive strategies in order to protect trade secrets;
  • Litigating unfair competition cases, such as trade dress violation, passing off and reverse passing off.

Advertising Law

  • Legal assistance on legal issues involving advertisement matters before the National Council for Self-Regulation in Advertising – CONAR;

Technology Transfer

  • Draft, negotiation and analysis of intellectual property agreements, such as licensing, technology transfer and franchising;
  • Legal assistance before the Brazil Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO and the Brazilian Central Bank – BACEN in order to register intellectual property agreements.

Border Measures

  • Legal assistance and coordination with the Brazilian Customs offices to reprehend the entrance of counterfeit goods in Brazil.