We are a young law firm that acts in the intersection of innovation and entrepreneurship. Dynamism, resilience, dedication and creativity compound our DNA, allowing us to be naturally restless and eager to overcome challenges. Therefore, we were born to accomplish with our mission of walking side-by-side with our clients, helping them turn their projects, dreams and ambitions into reality, and always growing together.

Plan, build and expand businesses, turn ideas into reality, help in M&A operations and funding rounds, support assertive and precise decision making, and contribute to technological development. These are some of our expertise and inspirations that define our practice and allow us to see a world without borders.

With business view and focused on the client, persistence characterizes us, reason why we believe that it is important to combine efforts in order to achieve results. Therefore, throughout strategic partnerships that enable us to act around the world, we are constantly improving our legal practice so as to assist our clients achieving their goals and developing their businesses.

The personalized attention of the clients by the Founding Partner Bernardo Lima de Athayde is one of our market differentials.

Bernardo Lima de Athayde

Master of Laws (LL.M) in Intellectual Property at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law (Concord, NH – USA). Specialist in Corporate Law at Universidade Positivo and Civil Procedure Law at Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar. Diplomaed in Data Privacy and Protection at Data Privacy Brasil. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) at Pontifícia Universidade Católcia do Paraná – PUCPR.

Before founding Lima de Athayde, Bernardo presided the Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) – UNH School of Law Chapter and worked with major Brazilian law firms that are frequently ranked among the country’s top tiers Intellectual Property and Corporate Law practitioners.

Bernardo Lima de Athayde

Mestre em Direito (LL.M) da Propriedade Intelectual pela UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law (Concord, NH – EUA). Especialista em Direito Empresarial pela Universidade Positivo e em Direito Processual Civil pelo Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar. Diplomado em Privacidade e Proteção de Dados pelo Data Privacy Brasil. Bacharel em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR.

Antes de fundar Lima de Athayde, presidiu o Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) UNH School of Law Chapter, nos Estados Unidos da América, e advogou em grandes escritórios brasileiros ranqueados entre os melhores das áreas de Propriedade Intelectual e de Direito Empresarial, no Rio de Janeiro/RJ e em Curitiba/PR.

Bernardo Lima de Athayde

Mestre em Direito (LL.M) da Propriedade Intelectual pela UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law (Concord, NH – EUA). Especialista em Direito Empresarial pela Universidade Positivo e em Direito Processual Civil pelo Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar. Diplomado em Privacidade e Proteção de Dados pelo Data Privacy Brasil. Bacharel em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR.

Antes de fundar Lima de Athayde, presidiu o Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) UNH School of Law Chapter, nos Estados Unidos da América, e advogou em grandes escritórios brasileiros ranqueados entre os melhores das áreas de Propriedade Intelectual e de Direito Empresarial, no Rio de Janeiro/RJ e em Curitiba/PR.


We understand that it is important to keep strong alliances in a globalized world. Thus, we are in constant contact with the following national and international associations: